is a wide net of Catholic resources for all ages, for all levels of Faith Formation from over 75 different Catholic apostolates and individuals. The intent of is to be able to reach the missing generation in our church, and their children, by having a presence in their online world and having the Presence of our Lord in their lives equipping parents with the tools needed to be the primary educators in the faith.
Join fellow parishioners of St John’s in signing up to have free, unlimited, no cost to you access to a wealth of information about our Catholic Faith for everyone: adults, teens, middle school, elementary and pre-school children. All you need to sign up to benefit from all this valuable and insightful information is an active email address.
How to Sign Up:
To use your smartphone for access, go to your favorite App Store, search for and download the app. Then follow the simple steps and you are in. For those using other devices the simple steps are as follows: Go to, Enter 01604 select St John’s parish, then enter your name and email address and you’re in. No other passwords needed.
Parishioners of St. John's have access to the Word on Fire Digital library, a ministry of Bishop Robert Barron. Each Sunday a video from one of the courses is shared in the Sunday email.
To recieve the emails, simply sign up for the St. John's Church (General) group in Flocknote.